Moving from one place to another is sometimes very easy in Harry's world. Multiple objects can be used, the so called "portkeys". Which of the following objects is such a portkey ? Write the number in front of the right answer on a piece of paper and save it for later use.
0 - a magic mirror
8 - a magic hat
3 - a magic trophy
1 - a magic map
Obviously you know who this is. But do you know what his death curse is ? (5,7) ?
Write down this curse as the password in the next box.
Harry gets a new broomstick fairly soon . What brand is it ?
Write down this brand as the password in the next box.
How good are you on magic spells, I wonder. Which one of the spells below disarmes the opponent ? Write the number in front of the right answer on a piece of paper and save it for later use.
1 - Stupefy
5 - Expelliarmus
6 - Lumos maxima
9 - Bombarda
Which animal (known in early cultures) dies and then is reborn from it's own ashes?
Write down the name of this animal as the password in the next box.
Some teachers are better than others. The teacher for this subject isn't that good and changes year by year. What is the subject (he/she teaches) ?
Write down this subject as the (long) password in the next box.
Harry very soon becomes one of the players of the quidditch team. His role is the seeker. What is he supposed to seek ?
Write what he is supposed to seek as the password in the next box.
Well, well, Ron is afraid of spiders ! (And who wouldn't be afraid of Aragog !). What difficult word is there for people who are afraid of spiders ?
Write down this difficult word as the password in the next box.
This is an important anagram which Harry came to deal with. What is the original text ? (4,4,2,9)) ? (Pay attention to capitals !)
Write down the original text as the password in the next box.
Another animal mentioned in myths and sagas. An eagle's head and claws and a horse's body. What's its name ?
Write down its name as the password in the next box.
The three-headed dog guards the entrance to the room with the "Philosopher stone". This dog is a well known dog in mythology. What is the name for such a dog ?
Wite down this name as the password in the next box.
There not many innocent victims in the beginning of the story. However, this is one of them. What's his name ?
Write down his name as the password in the next box.
A mythical beast finds its way into the Harry Potter story. Its eyes are a evilish yellow and who looks it in the eye immediately dies. In the end it developed into a snake-dragon. What's it called ?
Write down its name as the password in the next box.
Wizard's families often have a house-elf. Harry meets a very special one, who he laterssets free from his boss by a trick. What is the name of this house elf ? (He is my favourite character in the story btw)
Write down his name as the passwoord in the next box.